‘Parikrama’ means a journey around Globe, an initiation of a tour from particle to infinity .. The journey through knowledge, efforts and humanity. ‘Parikrama’ begins this journey at one heart and may it take the concern and affection to all throughout the world.
In this fact paced competitive world, unabated learning and ability to innovate are the key focus areas of most organizations. We have designed our programmes keeping exactly these demands of the industry in mind to ensure that the students get opportunities to maximize their learning and increase the horizon of their knowledge.
In an era of firm competition, success can only be achieved if one makes the right kind of effort at the right time. Your effort in choosing ‘Parikrama’ as your Alma mater should be your best choice and I am pleased to welcome you.
Foresight, ability to seize the opportunity, relentless drive to succeed and tremendous acumen in recognizing the needs of the industry and integrating knowledge with professional inputs are the secrets behind ‘Parikrama’ which have always kept us at the forefront of Education value creation and a sustainable model of growth and achievement for the past decade. ‘Parikrama’ provides a rich and diversified culture to grind the young brains so as to get evolve in to the challenging scenario with performance, competitiveness, value creation and other professional skills.